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History of the house

Tyristuggu in Sleggveien, house no. 398 is a wooden box built up of cog-jointed logs with a built-on entrance called a porchway. The porchway is divided and the innermost, tiny room with a hearth place was the kitchen for the house.

Randi Borgos

The ground floor plan is for three rooms and this was a very usual type of building in Røros. The hearth in the kitchen was built into a bricked up base or firewall. A lean-to shelter is set up against the main wall and this was used for the storage of wood for the stove and for other storage. At the rear of the woodHouse there was a built-on in privy.

Wooden buildings, had one big advantage, they were easy to move. When the roof was removed it was a simple job to mark the logs and then take the house down log by log. It is possible that Tyristuggu was moved to Sleggveien. Ola Maela’s mother lived in house no. 193 on Maela, that is to say along the mill river on the banks of the River Hitter, Hittereva. This house was dismantled in 1830 when the land it stood no. 193 on was incorporate. It was possible that it was then moved to Sleggveien. The very first descriptions of the upper houses in Sleggveien are from insurance fire assessment documents of 1857 where it states that house no. 389 was erected ‘on a previously unbuilt on plot.’ Ole Christensen Hitterdal, Ola Maela owned the house.

During the renovation of Tyristuggu in 1999 the craftsmen found several traces and marks to indicate that the material for building had been used before. The lean to shelter on the outside of the house shows markings that indicate that the shelte was originally longer. There are reasons to believe that this shelter was attached to the house some time after the house itself was built. The wall between the entrance section and the outhouse shows that at one time it must have been an outside wall, and it is painted with the same paint as the outside walls. Tyristuggu comprises two building which have been put together when the house was erected in Sleggveien. Other parts of the house also show clear signs that the material has been used before.

What we do know about Tyristuggu is that it was built between 1830 and 1857, of wood that had been previously used for building purposes. In the year 2,000 a test to establish the age of the wood revealed that the timber was felled during the winter of 1778-79. Through the ages several repairs and maintenance work has been carried out on Tyristuggu, but the changes are small and our sources of information indicate that the house still stands as it did in 1857.

Museum24:Portal - 2025.02.14
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2