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The Work of Preservation

As early as 1922 the Chief Inspector of The Inspectorate of Ancient Monuments and Buildings (Riksantikvaren) became interested in Røros. A recommendation was made to place preservation orders on 8 of the buildings and 20 other buildings should be further evaluated.

Odd Sletten

The members of Røros District Council were not particularly interested in such preservation. They were of the opinion that many of the protedted buildings should be pulled down as soon as possible to make way for road improvements and general town development. However, the following year the first 8 buildings were placed under the protection of preservation orders in Røros.

This case, the first of many, illustrates just how difficult preservation work at Røros can be. Røros is a living community under continuing development and weighing up the encroachments allowed, against those rejected is difficult. It is a recorded wish that people will continue to live in the houses and that shops be allowed to operate on the street. Preservation has, in many ways, been considered a limitation for those who live and work in Røros. Historical assets, even in Røros, have often been on the losing side when competing with efforts to introduce new trade or industry.

When Røros was included on the UNESCO List of World Heritage Sites in 1980, much should have been won in the fight for preservation. The appointment was a clear recognition that the mining town had unique value, a value that transcended both local and national perspectives.

 Many positive events have taken place since Røros was included on the UNESCO List. Local understanding has increased, and more and more people become aware of the value of preservation work. But, in later years, a number of things have been done that are detrimental to the World Heritage Site. Continued wide interest in the work of preservation of historical assets will therefore have enormous importance in the future.

Museum24:Portal - 2025.02.14
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2