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Resources, Site and Situation

The discovery of copper-rich ore in 1644 was made in a virtually unpopulated area. Within what is today the Røros district there may have been as many as 50 people.

Kirsti Jordet

The outlying hamlets were tiny, Aalen had approximately 400 inhabitants, Tynset about the same, Os/Dalbygda had about 200 people living there and about the same number were in Vingelen. The Femund district was completely uninhabited as were the valleys to the east in Tolga and Os. In the hamlet of Tolga there was one farm.

In addition, one had to contend with the enormous distances, Røros is fairly high above sea level, and it was not exactly a ?quick trip? to visit more populated centres. The roads and tracks, where there were any, were those trodden in the middle-ages.

The winters were long, in one what was one of the coldest places in the country. The countyside was marked by vast expanses of upland moor and mountain slopes trees and forest could only grow along the lakes and rivers where valleys had formed..

Would it be possible to build up a mining company under such conditions?

Museum24:Portal - 2025.02.14
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2